Updates to the MA Prohibited Plant List—Callery pear and wall lettuce

Posted in: News

The Massachusetts Prohibited Plant List has been updated as of September 2024 to add two additional invasive plants:

  • Callery pear/Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana)
  • Wall-lettuce (Mycelis muralis)
Callery/Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryana) – Photo via Adobe Stock
wall lettuce (Mycelis muralis) – Photo by Gilles Ayotte

There will be a phase-out period for these newly listed species, so that Massachusetts nurseries and agents can sell off existing stock that was received or propagated before September 19, 2024. The schedule for this phase-out is listed below:

  • Callery/Bradford pear: No sales permitted after December 31, 2028
  • Wall-lettuce: No sales permitted after December 31, 2025

Imports of these species from out-of-state growers or sellers are prohibited as of September 19, 2024 – there is no phase-out period for imports.

For full details, please see this letter. For more information about this and other recent updates to the Prohibited Plant List, click here

To share this notice with others, feel free to link to or copy the post and images on the Massachusetts Introduced Pests Outreach blog: https://massnrc.org/pests/blog/?p=3481


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