Spotted Lanternfly on Nursery Stock

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From Taryn LaScola, Director of Crop and Pest Services
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
March 11, 2024

With the start of the 2024 growing season, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) is sending this notice as a reminder to growers, retailers, and brokers of nursery stock, as well as all landscapers, to inspect any plant material being imported from states where the invasive pest known as spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula or “SLF”) has been found, to ensure it does not harbor SLF egg masses, and to report any finds to MDAR. This reminder is especially important as there are now 17 states, including Massachusetts, with established infestations of this pest.

Spotted lanternfly is a sap-feeding insect that has caused significant impacts to vineyards, orchards, and other agricultural commodities in states where it has become established. SLF not only harms grapevines, maples, hops, blueberries, and over 100 other host plants, but has the potential to negatively impact any outdoor business through their swarming behavior that occurs in late summer. MDAR continues to conduct surveys and treatments at known infestations throughout the state, but needs all green industry representatives to be on the lookout for this pest.  

Spotted lanternfly egg masses

Because SLF egg masses are flat and grayish beige in color, they are difficult to detect, especially on tree bark. For examples, please see this Pest ID Tool. If you find an egg mass or any other life stage of SLF, please report it to MDAR here immediately.


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annual meeting of the Massachusetts nursery and landscape association