2024 Odyssey of Leaders

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You are invited to join us for a special program…

Wednesday, February 14, 2024 | 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center, Framingham, MA
1 MCH credit available


MNLA member $50
MCH non-member $75

* Please note that while pricing includes books and materials, registration for the Winter Forum & Annual Meeting is separate from this special program.

We are in an industry in which we work longer, harder, and faster than ever before and this includes our association. All of us have a passion for MNLA to succeed and together with our organization’s strategic plan we can implement our goals for a successful future!

For MNLA to prosper we need to strengthen and grow our various committees, task forces and boards. We are looking to create better planning and develop a system for MNLA’s committees and members to participate in major events like MNLA’s Annual Meeting, Winter Forum and the Summer Conference as an Odyssey Leader of our industry.

The growth in our organization will happen with you, our strong leaders, and members. 

The goal is to stimulate, reenergize, engage, connect, and build the leadership in our association for 2024 and beyond!

7:30 AM

Program to begin promptly at 8:00 AM.

8:00 AM
A short introduction to MNLA immediately followed by our program titled True Colors.

  • Welcome by Chris O’Brien, MNLA President
  • MNLA today & tomorrow!

8:10 AM
True Colors, Personality Trait Training with Cheryl Goar Koury, CAE

Fundamental principles:

  • People are intrinsically different, and they strive to achieve self-value and self-worth from four very different perspectives.
  • These differences can be identified using “colors” as metaphors.

Seminar outcomes:

  • Recognize and appreciate people’s own unique strengths and preferences
  • Recognize and appreciate the unique strengths and preferences of people at work and at home
  • Recognize and appreciate the value and importance of diversity
  • Enhance their own communication skills
  • Develop rapport and team building

Discover what your and your co-workers…

  • Values?
  • Joys?
  • Strengths?
  • Weaknesses?

What causes you… Stress and/or frustration?
By discovering how people prefer to operate and their own preferences, you can become more successful at work and life!

11:00 AM
Breakouts by Committee/Task & Programs

Participants not currently serving on a committee are encouraged to sit in on a committee of choice for the morning.

  • MCH Board
  • Membership Committee
  • Government Relations
  • History & Media Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Fun Table/Summer Conference
  • Social Media/Marketing Committee
  • Youth Initiative Committee

11:30 AM
Reconvene for Open Discussion & Wrap Up

12:00 PM

12:30 PM

Committee Meetings
Each committee will expect to address the following:

  • Schedule of upcoming meeting dates for 2024
  • Goals, tasks, and expectations for 2024
  • Activity/function at major events (Winter Forum/Annual Meeting, Summer Conference, Plant Geek Day, Other…)
  • Vision for your committee: Where do you see the committee in 3 years?

Building our Road Map
Our mission is to gather to identify shared opportunities and resources for each program & committee. We will openly discuss ideas that will help us accomplish goals that will fortify MNLA’s mission for 2024 and beyond.

DISCLAIMER: Although every reasonable effort is made to provide the speakers, topics, and sessions listed, some changes or substitutions may occur. Speakers and sessions are subject to cancellation or change up to and including the day the session(s) are scheduled to be held. Changes or cancellations are made at the discretion of MNLA and may be done without notifying attendees. If sessions are changed or canceled no refunds should be expected. Submission of the registration form acknowledges acceptance of this provision.

Partner programs

Plant Something MA

consumers planting something

Plant Something MA is a project of MNLA which includes professional environmental horticulturists—people who grow, care for, design and install plantings and landscapes in your community.

Growing Wild

Growing Wild: native plants in Massachusetts logo

Growing Wild helps reverse the loss of biological diversity, foster and protect endangered species and add to the natural beauty of our Commonwealth—right in your own backyard.

Not an MNLA member?

annual meeting of the Massachusetts nursery and landscape association

There are many reasons to join MNLA.

MNLA provides access to green industry speakers on the cutting-edge and up-to-date information. Our dynamic community is made up of folks from all walks of life. Colleagues share advice and insights. Passion for the betterment of our community drives member participation in MNLA. Individual contribution is valued. Get involved! Join a committee or volunteer at an event. Make our industry—and your business—better!

annual meeting of the Massachusetts nursery and landscape association